ARTICLE: Why I'm Running for Reelection
Hello again, neighbors!
I ran for Garwood Council last year because I wanted to dedicate myself to helping individuals and families in our small Borough. When I was elected to fill an unexpired term, I aimed to improve community connections and work to transcend party lines, shaking off the noise from social media to solve problems in Garwood. In my brief tenure, these efforts have been exemplified through the “Walking Garwood” initiative, a hands-on effort to improve community engagement and relations. As Finance Chair, I have significantly invested in the borough’s safety and welfare while ensuring financial prudence. I hope to continue as a Councilman because I care deeply about our community, and there is more work to be done.
As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Psychotherapist who received my bachelor’s degree from Kean University and my graduate degree from Rutgers University, I have devoted my life to building stronger communities by supporting families and individuals as a social worker. I have assisted foster youth, helped economically disadvantaged students gain acceptance into colleges and trade school programs, advocated for those experiencing homelessness, and facilitated housing for many families. Additionally, I have educated communities on the dangers of smartphone and social media addiction and developed initiatives to support communities affected by the opioid epidemic.
Choosing to run for re-election is not an easy decision. My wife, Lina, and I recently welcomed our new baby daughter, Jade Olivia, and I continue to work hard, owning my own practice where I provide mental health services to young people and families. Life is certainly busy, but these very reasons have led me to seek office once again. I want to raise my daughter in a community free from the divisive politics that seem to be everywhere. I want her to grow up in a town where the leaders she sees are compassionate and reflective, and decisions are made from the heart. My commitment to my family and our community is unwavering. By working together and listening to each other, we can make the change and strengthen our big-hearted Borough.